Southern Flinders tourism well over 100 years old!
That the popularity of Mount Remarkable among tourists and holiday makers is increasing is shown, according to our Melrose correspondent, by the number of motor cars and other vehicles which climb the mount.
Mount Remarkable is situated within a few minutes’ walk of Melrose township. About half way up the mount beautiful views of the plain are obtained from amongst the trees. A little farther up can be seen Hammond, and the high hill of Mount Brown, to the north of Quorn. From the top of the mount the Blackrock and Orroroo Ranges, the Wirrabara Forest, and the ranges near Petersburg stand out prominently to the south and south-east.
Ports Germein and Pirie are to be seen on the west side. Climbing the mountain is a favorite pastime, not only for the sake of the magninficent panorama which it provides, but also because of the bracing air for which this part of the north is noted.
From ‘The Advertiser’, Monday 13 September 1909